Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Pink Sugar Cupcakery (773 Fort St, Victoria BC)

Is there anything better than a fist-sized mound of cake and icing? Probably not. The sheer novelty of a cupcake has held up throughout the decades, and now cupcakes aren't just for birthday parties and bakesales anymore. Indeed, cupcake-culture has culminated into a North America phenomenon where the more creative you are equals more happy customers nomming on your sugar-muffins.

Enter...Pink Sugar Cupcakery.

An unassuming, yet vibrantly decorated sweet shop eagerly awaits your patronage in lovely downtown Victoria. For a gluten-free gobbler such as myself, I had come to terms that gluten-free cupcakes were for special occasions, made by myself in my modest kitchen. When I discovered Origin's Bakery had cupcakes, I jumped in on the action and gave myself a killer sugar-hangover. After I recovered, I breathed a sigh of relief "Thank goodness I don't live close enough to Origin's where I'd be tempted to indulge much too frequently"--I thought to myself. Little did I know that only a few blocks from my home was Pink Sugar, baking up gluten-free desserts on a daily basis....just waiting to get me hooked.

The wonderful thing about Pink Sugar is the vast variety you can sample from; every day is different however so if you want to enjoy the same variety I have, frequent visits are encouraged, or simply call ahead. These cupcakes are so wonderful...I wish I had known about them sooner, but I'm happy I could share my discovery with my readers! FYI, they do special orders ;)

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